Sunday, June 16, 2019

It’s Father’s Day

June 16, 2019; a day that surprisingly, has only been a “holiday” since President Richard M. Nixon signed this day into law in 1972. Wait, it’s been a holiday since Lyndon Baines Johnson declared it a holiday in 1966! Well, no, back further. . . in 1913, a bill was introduced in Congress to recognize Father’s Day but failed to pass to due fears it would become commercialized! (What, congress feared commercialization of a holiday! How things have changed.)

But I digress from the basis of this post. I’m doing my weekend chores, like mowing the lawn, when I hear a loud “GRANDPA!” I turn, and our second grandchild, Sarah, comes around to give me a big hug, and saying, I had a few minutes and wanted to see you. How wonderful that was, how surprising for me, how fulfilling for a grandfather, for a father. When your grandchildren, and your children, remember you, and take the time to say HI! How good it feels.

WOW-her sister (our oldest grandchild) had been here a few hours before, how much better can it get? Much better, actually; our son had posted his thoughts about me on social media a day or two ago, for everyone to see. He succeeded in bringing this father to tears.

I didn’t have the luxury of a father for most of my life, as some of you know. So, I have very limited expectations of expressions for this day, regardless of my efforts.  And, frankly, I’ve not always been the “Ward Cleaver” type of father.

It’s been said, you never know the effect you will have on a child. My son expressed recently on his social media that I was a good example for his son.

 I can only hope I live up to his expectations.

To my fellow fathers, A happy Father’s Day to you, let’s celebrate!   

As always, your comments are welcome!