Saturday, February 13, 2021

Alternative Facts

 It is hard for me to understand what KellyAnne Conway best described at "alternative facts." It would appear some Americans believe in a parallel universe, one created by a mythical QAnon that presides over certain ragtag elements of society bound together by adherence to a cult of misguided hero/savior worship of former President Trump. 

Seeking confirmation of their beliefs, as all people naturally do, they find via the internet like-minded delusional anonymous individuals and groups that share a conviction of disenfranchised voters and a stolen election. 

I came face-to-face with this yesterday during a chance conversation with a casual acquaintance; the gentleman inquired if I had a good supply of fuel stored up, as the gas companies had ceased production of motor fuels ahead of the military coup scheduled for March 6th.

I remember listening to the Junior Senator from Missouri, Josh Hawley, claim on January 6th that certifying the Electoral Collage voted making Joe Biden (81,268,924 votes) President meant 74 million Trump voters would be disenfranchised. 

Wow! I mean, really? 

First and foremost, our military swears allegiance to our Constitution, and our country, not the person elected President. The probability that a coup against our elected government would come from, or be supported by, the military is somewhat south of Zero. None of the fuel producers have halted production, by the way. 

Second, no one who voted, including the 74,216,154 Trump voters, is disenfranchised. The fact that their votes were cast and counted makes this claim not only untrue, but delusional.

I do not know the educational background of my acquaintance, and therefore will not comment on such. 

Josh Hawley, however, is a public record. He is a graduate of Stanford, and of Yale Law. I cannot therefore dismiss his lie as a lack of knowledge of American Democracy. 

When a person of Senator Hawley's background, education, and position of influence in the community tells or repeats outright lies and half-truths, he gives false support to the insurrectionists who would destroy America. 

In a larger view, the comments made by anyone in position of importance do have effects. Words matter, and those who speak them from glorified perches should consider carefully the words they use. Politician, pundit, preacher, reporter or columnist, all can calm or incite the public by the words they speak or write.  

It is certainly incumbent upon us, the American public, to vet the source of our information. Definitely, all media have some inherent bias, and sorting the real news from the trash is left to us. 

Finally, let me say this. Joe Biden was elected President of the United States of America by a wide margin of votes cast. This election can boast the largest voter turnout ever in a presidential election. No one stole the election; and all the legal challenges to the result of the people's choice have been reviewed and denied by the courts. 

Really, people, the election is over. The impeachment is over. Now, let's work on living our best possible lives in the Greatest County on Earth. 

Thank you for reading. Your comments and opinions are always welcome. 

R.M. "Bob" Hartman

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Children's Health Insurance Program in Utah

Let’s talk about children, everybody has some or knows someone who does. A recent study exposed this nasty fact; there are 82,000 children in Utah who do not have health insurance. So, Utah’s legislature, the source of so much useless knowledge, has decided it is the parent’s fault because they don’t know about CHIP, the Childhood Health Insurance Program.

Currently, there is a bill in the Utah State Legislature to study this lack of knowledge “problem” and increase the distribution of information about the CHIP program, which provides insurance to those children whose family income does not exceed certain levels. This bill would allow the state to spend $173,000 per year, for a period of 5 years, to study the problem and provide outreach about the programs.

Here’s why I think our legislature is missing the mark-again.

The maximum gross income for a family of 4 to qualify for CHIP is $4,367 per month. If we assume that both parents work at minimum wage jobs, their gross income is $2600; and childcare takes $930 for two children. In all probability, one parent is going to stay home with the children to avoid the childcare cost. At this level, CHIP works for them.

Let’s bump the income level up a bit. Let’s put dad at $15.00 per hour, and mom at $11.00. Their gross income is $4506 per month. Childcare for 2 children still takes $930. Now, they don’t qualify for CHIP.  And, at this income level the family does not qualify for SNAP or federal student lunch programs. The average cost of health insurance in Utah for this family is $1614. If you add the cost of daycare to the insurance, the family is spending $2543 per month, leaving only $2000 per month for housing, food, and transportation.

No, Representative Welton, the problem is not that people don’t know about the programs; the problem is the extremely low-income cut-off for qualification in Utah. A “family values” state indeed.

You don’t need a focus group, legislative study group, or $173,000 per year for 5 years. All you need is common sense, a commodity that in short supply in our state legislators.

Thank you for reading, your comments are always welcome.

R.M. “Bob” Hartman

Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Rant


Ok, I need to rant. And no, it is not about politics. My rant is about everyday people who seem to forget history, or perhaps never studied it to begin with.

Beginning in the mid-1800’s, Polio was responsible for sickness and death in the world population. Here in America, as many as 15,000 people were infected each year; although most did not die, the lingering effects of paralysis permanently damaged lives and affected common well-being. It was not uncommon for families to be quarantined as a whole because of a case of polio; nor was it uncommon in the 1940’s for entire U. S. towns to be quarantined to prevent the spread of the virus. Travel was restricted between “infected” communities and the rest of the nation. Children were frequently kept from playing outdoors because they might encounter someone carrying the virus. (Does any of this sound familiar?)

Two vaccines were found to be effective, one in 1955 and one in 1963; the United States (and a large portion of the rest of the world) began a vaccination program targeting school age children, and later included pre-school children. Some of you may remember the sugar cubes, often administered in schools.

Net effect: in the 1970’s, less than 10 cases of polio were reported in the United States. Polio is now considered eradicated world-wide, except for Afghanistan and Pakistan, which are still at epidemic levels.

So, what is my rant?

People who refuse to take this current pandemic serious. People who refuse to follow the best science and medical advice. People who still insist that this pandemic is not real, or that people are not dying of Covid-19. People who refuse to wear masks, who refuse to observe social distance, and who insist on gathering in large groups, particularly unmasked. Leaders who refuse to acknowledge just how serious this is.

In the space of one year, we have lost more Americans to Covid-19 than were killed in combat in the 4 years of WWII.

Is that serious enough for you?

Do not tell me that this was all dreamed up so President Trump would not be re-elected. And please do not tell me again that wearing a mask or washing your hands interferes with your “God-Given Rights as An American Citizen.”  To be totally honest, I do not think for one minute that the release of the vaccines was held up to embarrass then-President Trump.

Frankly, I do not wear a mask to show support for one political party or another. I wear a mask to protect myself, my family, and yes, you.

I get it.

We are all tired of this COVID-19 stuff. We are all tired of wearing masks, etc., of our favorite restaurants not being open. Tired of not being able to spend time with friends and family like we want. Tired of our children and grandchildren being schooled online, of not having play time with their friends. Tired of being unable to have our social interactions, our clubs and groups, our churches.

But think about this for a minute. We are almost to a point of getting this virus under control. The vaccines for Polio took decades to develop, and 30 years to reach herd immunity; but the Covid-19 vaccines have been developed in the space of a year. Current predictions have the United States at herd immunity in a year.

Let us buck up, America. Stand up and do the right thing. Wear the mask, wash your hands, and do not get too close. Get the shots when they are available.  

If you believe your ancestors are watching you from afar, make them proud. Let us show them that America can do this, together. As Americans, we have stood together in times of national crises before and come out the better for it. It is time to come together and do it again.

Thank you for reading, and as always, your comments are welcome.

R. M. “Bob” Hartman