Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Musings from Camp, Part 1

As this summer continues to heat up socially, politically, and environmentally, I find myself wondering: Why are so many Americans afraid of the truth?

Let's talk first about the Covid pandemic. Six hundred thousand Americans have died from Covid. 600,000. That figure is more than the total American Military lives lost in the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam combined. We have vaccines that work, we know masking and social distancing work. All of the above are FACTS. Cold, hard, dead facts. Yes, our local and state governments issued mask mandates. Masks work. So while the masks were uncomfortable, wearing them slowed the spread of this killer disease, which, when coupled with a vaccine, lowered the risk of being infected by Covid, and greatly reduced the severity of the disease, and reduced the number of people dying from it. Again, people, these are facts.

So how in the name of all that is holy, did this become a political issue? Can someone please explain to me why and how not dying from Covid has anything at all to do with the occupant of the White House? Can you explain, logically, how not spending your last days hooked to a ventilator is taking away your freedom? Can you tell me, truthfully, if your family will be proud of you for dying to prove your political point?

I think I will wait a long time for those answers. While I wait, would you please get vaccinated?

The cold, hard truth is: Vaccines work, masks work, social distancing works. What are you afraid of?

Thanks for reading, your comments are welcome, as always. 

R.M. "Bob" Hartman