Sunday, April 25, 2021

They Are Coming For Your Guns

 Given I live in Utah, which is a pretty Red state and now has concealed carry without a permit, conversations often drift to: "The Democrats are coming for your guns." It used to be "Obama is coming for your guns." The drumbeat was increasingly loud during the last two years of the Trump administration; so loud it created a shortage of guns and ammunition.

Being of a curious nature, I wanted to know how and when. The consensus appeared to revolve around a national gun registry then a strike force to simultaneously appear at each residence to forcibly remove all weapons.

At this point, I struggled to maintain a neutral face.

Well, for starters, there is (sadly) no national gun registry. But the next part is really where I get the giggles. How in the name of all that is holy are you going to have a strike force the size required assemble with no outside notice, and who would it consist of? The U.S. Armed forces certainly would not be involved; they are forbidden action against American citizens. Even if you managed to assemble such a force in total secrecy, the first busting down of a door would have the internet ablaze and your removal plan just fell apart.

Conspiracy: Noun, a collection of ravens.

Thanks for reading! Your comments are always welcome and appreciated.

R.M. "Bob" Hartman

Saturday, April 24, 2021

All Men Are Created Equal

 This is not the 1950's Jim Crow era; it is 2021. Why do we continue to tolerate police officers mistreating our fellow Americans who happen to be not white? We have all the over-use of force by officers; we have listened to the cries of mothers who lost a son or daughter, or children who lost a father.

Yet, any attempt at police reform, or changing the law on qualified immunity, runs into a big roadblock; it is labeled "Republicans in Congress."

What is it about treating all Americans with respect and equal courtesy, regardless of color, that seems to be so difficult for some policemen, and for some members of Congress?

See, there is this "Declaration of Independence" paper that was signed so many years ago, by so many of our Founding Fathers. It states ". . . all men are created equal. . .". There are no provisions, subsections, or amendments to that statement. None whatsoever.

All men are created equal.

The corollary is also quite simple: All men are entitled to equal treatment under the law.

It really is that simple. It should not be difficult for law enforcement agencies throughout the country to take this simple statement and make it a part and parcel of training, of how it's business is conducted, and how the officers work. If an officer, regardless of rank or position, has a problem understanding this principle, he or she should be released from duty; and not be allowed to join with another law enforcement agency.

Lacking any action from Congress, in 2020 the State of Colorado passed SB217, which limits qualified immunity in respect to law enforcement officers. The law specifically states that qualified immunity is not a defense and limits the applicability of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act. As Congress is unwilling to act, forty-nine other states and the District of Columbia should follow Colorado's example, without delay.

If you feel strongly about this issue, please let your state and federal representatives know it. They won't do anything unless we, the voters, put pressure on them.

As always, thank you for reading. Thoughts and comments are appreciated.

R.M. "Bob" Hartman

A Golden Opportunity

 The Republicans in Congress are really missing a golden opportunity, perhaps it is the glare reflecting off the golden palace of the Mar-i-largo resort and pay to play Trump casino.

Let's be honest. Joe Biden and the democrats have delivered the economic stimulus package, and are making great strides on the Coronavirus campaign. The economy is showing signs of recovery, and millions of Americans are being vaccinated daily. I admit, there is still a long way to go, but both these fronts are looking positive. Now, President Biden is talking infrastructure changes and benefits. What's a scared Republican left with?

Gun Control. It's the other hot button issue, and the Republicans could make it happen right now. They could reinstate the assault weapon ban, and go full steam ahead on closing the gun show loopholes. If the Republicans in Congress really want to steal President Biden's thunder, they could revoke the law banning a national gun registry. Yes, that would make the NRA angry, but the National Rifle Association is busy trying to keep itself relevant and out of court right now. They don't have money to pay off the lawyers, let alone make any significant campaign contributions.

Plus, gun control is what the voters want right now. They are tired of the constant stream of gun violence on the news, yes, it's even on Fox News these days.

If the Republicans did this, the Democrats would have to go along (it is one of their favorite subjects); that would make it bipartisan and then think of the talking points they would have for the midterm elections.

But don't worry about this happening. Mitch McConnell and company don't have enough testosterone combined to do it. 

Thanks for reading! 

As always, comments are appreciated. 

R.M. "Bob" Hartman

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Problems and Solutions


So, there is a “Situation” or a “Problem” at the southern border,

which it is depends on who you are listening to.

Record high numbers of unaccompanied minors are crossing the 

border. Most of these children are not from Mexico; they are from 

Guatemala, Honduras, or other Central American countries. The 

distance from Mexico's southern border to the US border is 

approximately 1,125 miles. 

The Republicans are blaming the high number of unaccompanied 

minors now crossing the border on President Biden’s so-called 

rollback of the Trump administration’s immigration policies. They 

are calling on the President to send the children back to Mexico and 

let Mexico deal with them. 

President Biden has stated, and I concur, that it would be immoral 

and un-American to refuse the children, and send them back over to 

border into Mexico, where they could fall victim to human 

trafficking, or worse. So, they are being kept in Border Patrol 

facilities that were not designed for children, nor were they designed 

for such high levels of occupation. 

The Republican Party likes to portray itself as "Christian" and 

claims the high moral ground on such subjects as abortion. Frankly, I

find their stance on the unaccompanied minor issue on our southern 

border to be highly unChristian and totally lacking in morals of any 

recognizable form. 

If you are a parent or grandparent, can you imagine the stress and 

anguish of having to send your children, without adult supervision, 

to walk to another country because there is no way to support them 

at home, or because the fear of violence is so great you fear more for 

their lives if they stay with you? How desperate would you have to 

be to tell your child to walk 1,125 miles, unaccompanied, hoping 

they would make it to and be welcome in the United States? 

There is nothing moral, ethical, or Christian about turning these 

minors away. So instead of blaming President Biden for the 

"problem", why don't you moral Christian Republicans work on a 

solution? Maybe hire some construction companies to go down to 

the border, let's build some dormitories, schools and admin offices 

and work on getting these CHLDREN taken care of? (Construction 

work-good American jobs, I'm told.)

Jesus said, "Let us love one another," and "Do unto others as you 

would have them do unto you."

Think about it. Then tell your Congressman what you think.

Thank you for reading, as always, your comments are welcome and 


R.M. "Bob" Hartman