Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A Response to Anonymous

My last post, Your Child's Life, elicitated this response: 

"They (Trump) rushed to produce it. They (Trump) circumvented safety procedures. They (CDC) have not done long term human trials. They (Trump) gave the producers immunity from liability. They (Media) politicized any possible therapeutics. Prior to the 2020 election many Democrats had doubt about the safety of the vaccine too. You buy into the propaganda like sheep. Enjoy being a test subject." 

Dear Mr/Ms Anonymous, thank you for your comment. It allowed me a chance to explore answers for the statements you made. 

Yes, there was a rush to produce the vaccine. Americans were (and still are) dying in record numbers. So "They" (our government) agreed to purchase 100 million doses each of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines at a total cost of $2.45 Million, with the option of 500 million more doses of each. This pre-development agreement gave Moderna and Pfizer the ability to invest in the development and production of the vaccine without having to worry about "how marketable will it be?" (Pfizer and Moderna were not paid until the vaccine was delivered.) 

They (the drug companies) were able to build this vaccine on models that had been successfully used for other coronaviruses, such as SARS and MERS. The technology is not new, what the manufacturers had to figure out was the right mix of mRNA instructions for our immune systems to defeat the virus. In essence, the manufacturers had a 10-year head start on developing this vaccine.  Regarding long-term trials: the vaccine is new, but the delivery system is not. Other vaccines using the same model have not had any severe long-term reactions. 

I've not been able to see where any safety procedures were circumvented, perhaps you can share that information with me? 

The PREP Act you refer to regarding immunity from liability was signed into law in 2005, by President George W. Bush. It is a limited-term immunity; for the Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J vaccines, that immunity expires in 2024.

 The only politicizing about the various therapeutics I have seen or read came from politicians. To the best of my knowledge, the Big 4 Media (ABC, CBS, CNN, MBC) reported on what the politicians or scientists said, but did not take sides on the issue. (I don't watch Fox, so I cannot say what they have or have not done.) 

Anonymous, I think everyone had some concerns about the safety of the vaccine at some point; as more scientific information becomes available, doubts disappear. At least, mine did. 

I don't buy into propaganda; I research, read, challenge, and think. I believe these vaccines are safe, effective, and necessary now. 

Thanks for reading! As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome and appreciated. 

R.M. "Bob" Hartman  

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Your Child's Life

 Twenty-five years ago, the chemo that "cured" our son's leukemia took his life. I remember all too well the anguish, pain, and anger I felt then; the emotions I experienced I would never condemn another to suffer. Suffice it to say that I felt I had failed him; as his parent, I was supposed to keep him safe, to prevent bad things from happening to him. In our society, at this time and place, parents are not supposed to bury their children. But, we did.

Which makes it all the more confusing to me; during this deadly pandemic, when science has proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that masks help slow the spread of this killer virus, why parents are "up in arms" when masks in schools are discussed. Why would you not want to protect your children?

Speaking of protection, we have vaccines available for all people 12 years of age or more. So, what is keeping people from getting a pin pick that will save your life, and the lives of those around you? Why would you not have your child vaccinated?

Friends have told me they are afraid of the possibility of a side effect from the vaccine. Let's put this in perspective, shall we? You have a 1 in 200,000 chance of a negative reaction to the vaccines. A 1 in 500 chance of dying from Covid, if you are not vaccinated. You have a 1 in 107 chance of dying in an automobile accident. Yet, you still drive, right? I thought so. To be perfectly honest about it, all of the excuses for not getting vaccinated fall apart under similar scrutiny.

There was not, and still is not, a vaccine to prevent cancer. No mask would have prevented my son's death.

You, however, have a choice. You can have you child wear a mask, and you can have your child vaccinated. You can wear a mask and be vaccinated yourself.

Isn't you child's life worth it?

Thanks for reading, as always your thought and comments are welcome.

RM "Bob" Hartman