Friday, August 26, 2022

Too Weird to Believe

 You have got to be kidding me. I mean, you can't make stuff like this up. It's just too weird to believe. How desperate can some people be? You re-read the story, then you check the sources, and yes, it happened. It really did happen. Right here in good old Utah, United States of America. 

High school sports. It is like the most important thing that ever happens in the world. Millions upon millions of dollars are waged on high school sports, especially girls high school sports. (Just kidding)

It seems that a female high school athlete right here in good old "we love everybody" Utah (just kidding again) beat two other female high school athletes "by such a wide margin" that the two sets of defeated parents went to the school and complained that their daughters could not have been beat unless the winner was unfairly competing by being transgender. So the school officials checked the winners high school record and found she had always registered as female, and used female pronouns. Not good enough for the parents! No, Siree! There has to more to it. They called Utah High School Activities Association and demanded further investigation. So the USAA and the school went all the way back to the winner's kindergarten records and found that. . . wait for it. . . yes, the winner had always identified as female, and always used female pronouns. All of which they did, by the way, without ever informing the winner, or her parents, they were investigating the female athlete. 

I am struggling to find the right terms to describe these parents. Self-centered, privileged snobs that spend way too much time listening to fear-based infotainment radio and podcasts featuring blathering commentators doing their level worst to convince the public that "the left" is working to destroy "our way of life" even down to high school sports by forcing (according to some commentators) schools to allow transgender athletes to play girls sports. 

This has reached such a fever pitch in Utah that our legislature, always willing to write a law that will eventually be found unconstitutional, wrote and passed over the governor's veto a bill that outlaws transgender girls from playing in Utah high school sports. 

So, high school sports, by no fault of the students who play them with fever and zeal, has now become a football in the grand area of fear based politics, and fodder for talk radio commentators. 

What is this country becoming? 

Thanks for reading, as always, your comments are welcome. Click the pencil in the white box below. 

R. M. "Bob" Hartman